The Colors of Soul (I Colori dell' Anima)
A few days separate us from Made 2010 and presentation of the Colors of the Soul
For us, a really important moment for the market value of an expansion of our range of additives. There were no new releases since 2004 with the New York Colors.
It took over 6 years to develop this research. A path towards those who would engage the soul, beyond logic, thought and mind. A business research often pleasant but intense, never superficial.
Going beyond the commercial value of this work was definitely at the base of my effort, I'm curious to know the personal involvement that will take guests to our space in MADE 2010, where we will present these spectacular colors.
To entice you to visit us and get involved in this moving and spiritual initiative, I will introduce the video to the introduction of 7 Colors Rooms where the Colors of the Soul will appear out of nowhere.
I'll wait for you with great pleasure.
Giorgio Graesan