Your Advertising is Now Free
We have created a site for advertising you CREATIVE PAINTERS which is totally free.
For the first time we provide resources and space for your Free Advertising.
This site is called in fact
Here you can upload your profile photo and above all, your works, creating a small gallery that speaks for you of your professionalism.
Your customers, obviously happy with you, will be able to write a review on your work that will involve more and more customers on your behalf.
The more reviews (Stars) you'll have, the more visible you will be on the net.
This site will obviously be sponsored by us to be visible on the web.
Your name will appear whenever a customer will ask for a Creative Painter in your area and will be able to contact you by mail or phone.
In addition to this site, we will ensure that you will also appear in our official site in the Applicators section.
We are in the Digital Age, and even if word of mouth and good works are always the best advertising, we are building a future that make use of the web too.
Uploading your profile may require you some time, but it doesn't cost you a dime.
It's a Free service for our CREATIVE PAINTERS.